Rear Differential: This simply lubricates your rear end gears so they don’t become worn and sloppy, or possibly leak uncontrollably. Replacing the fluid is a really good idea as the power of the engine is transferred in direction of turning the tires. When doing so, there is a lot of pressure within the gears. Even though it was designed to do that, they still wear; which can produce tiny metal flakes, eventually increasing the wearing process, and risking further damage. With a regular flush and change of fluid, when recommended, you won’t be experiencing an expensive breakdown of your rear end.
Front Differential: On some 4 wheel drive and front wheel drive vehicles there is a gearbox, imagine 2 or more gears inside a box and there is fluid that keeps them from wearing or grinding. As with the rear differential, if is imminent that the fluid be replaced, when recommended. Don’t wait and see what happens, it can turn out bad.
Transfer Case: Transfer cases will commonly split the power from you engine transmission assembly to the front and rear wheels, it's another complex set of gears and shafts that need to be lubricated, to prevent excessive wear or premature failure. Sometimes there are a set of levers or a motor that actuates these gears in such a fashion to engage 4x4. Other vehicles with a transfer case are AWD (all wheel drive). Either way, they all have lubricant that needs to be flushed and replaced, from time to time.
4 wheel drive repair: When performing work on your 4X4 setup, we will not only take a look at your front and rear differential, but also inspect your transfer case. We service almost all 4x4 vehicles that are on the road. But, if you are looking to modify your 4x4, we will recommend an off-road specialty shop for your lifting and modification needs. When it comes to maintaining the components, we have you covered. Give us a shout, and we will help you out.